Wednesday through Friday Great Things

Here are mine:
I've got some catching up to do, so instead of 3 Great Things, I'm listing 9.

1)Your Civil Rights Movement Maps turned out great!
2)You engineered gliders with Mr. Castillo.
3)You all improved when you read your fluency passages! Good job!
4)We listened to the song "We Shall Overcome."
5)Dr. Hall treated the teachers to some yummy treats on Friday.
6)Mr. Bryant helped me learn more about using Google Classroom.
7)You're showing progress in Imagine Learning, which means you're growing as readers!
8)We started Benchmark Unit 3 - Observing Nature and watched a short National Geographic video clip about woodpeckers.
9)Ms. Griffone & Ms. Lee and I met to plan a new writing unit for you, and we're looking forward to teaching it! :)


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