Hispanic Heritage Celebration

Today, we had our Hispanic Heritage Celebration. Thank you to Jesus' mother for her help serving food and cleaning up! And thank you to all of the parents who provided loteria games and delicious food! 

Please share 3 things you enjoyed about our celebration. :)


  1. I liked the tamalaes the game lotteria and the deisgins we made.

    1. Yesbani, muchas gracias for bringing food and loteria to the celebration! It was very fun being the loteria caller. :)

  2. Jacqueline ochoa. One the desines that we made it was a little hard.two the food it was delicious.three the storys it was a good storys.four loteria it was a fub party.

    1. Jackie, the papel picado was challenging. When something is challenging, say, "I'm not good at this YET, but if I TRY, I will get better."

  3. I liked the food and games and project .

  4. [One] I liked that we played loteria and we learned by reading a book about loteria.[Two] I liked the food and helping set up for the celebration that we had.[Three] I also liked doing the papel picado.


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