Science Labs

What did you do in Mr. Wilcox's lab? What materials did you use?

Tell me more about your brine shrimp. What were the results of your experiment? (The results of my experiment were...)

I'll see you all Friday. Have a nice day tomorrow. Be good to your parents. :)


  1. Are brine shrimp where small and when I got them I sow some hating .
    In mr willxo we learned about magnet and when we did the activitie it was hard

  2. In Mr. Wilcox class we leans about how Energy works and in mr. Alberts class we saw our shrimps to see how that grow

    1. Sandy, what did you do to learn about energy? Did you make something?

  3. [One] We saw our brine shrimp and they grew but they were so small.[Two] In Mr. Wilcox"s class we learned about energy and saw the energy flowing and we had a compass and put it next to the wire and connected them to the battery and the arrow of the compass moved.

  4. Jacqueline ochoa. What I notice about the brine shrimp was that they were mr.wilcox we did a magnet field.

  5. Jaxon the brim 🍤 are really little I thought that were bigger thay are really squirmy

    1. Jaxon, that's super funny that you used the shrimp emoji for the brine shrimp. :)


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