3 Great Things

Here are my 3 Great Things for today:
1)Racing Taeshawn, Alexander, Anthony, Yesbani, and Jeremy in Nitrotype!
2)Grammar. I love grammar, and I also love all of the risks you all took, raising your hands to answer questions about parts of speech.
3)We had a problem that could have gotten a lot worse, but it was "de-escalated." That means, instead of going up up up and becoming really bad, it went down down down and got calm again.

What are your 3 Great Things?


  1. Jacquelin Ochoa. My three great .one things are going to competer class.two being with my friends three helping the kendorgrden.

    1. Jackie, it was very nice of you to help the kindergarteners. :)

  2. I liked math and reading. I also liked that we went to iPad lab. I also liked that we played on the apradise.

  3. I liked That we did math and read I also liked that we got to play and no conflict but my favorite thing is my teacher good night ms Rodriguez one more thing how did jurmy get all the beds


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